Interventional Pain Management: A Practical Approach


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Dwarkadas K Baheti MD Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Pain Physician, Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Sanjay Bakshi MD President, Manhattan Spine and Pain Medicine, New York, United States Sanjeev Gupta MBBS MD Dip NB FRCA FIPP FFPMRCA Consultant, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Raghbirsingh P Gehdoo MD DA Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Editores: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub
ISBN: 978-9352501663
Edición: 2016
Idioma: English
1 x 8.5 x 11 inches
Peso: 3 pounds
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Nº de Páginas : 520


Interventional Pain Management: A Practical Approach is the second edition of this comprehensive guide, which includes the latest advances in anaesthesia and brand new content, edited by international experts in anaesthesiology from the US, UK and India. The book is divided into nine sections, beginning with the basics of interventional pain management. The second section covers the documents for consent to interventional procedures and protocols involved in pain management. Further sections cover interventional pain management for different anatomical areas including head and neck, chest and thorax, abdomen and pelvis, spine and back. The concluding sections sections of the book cover advanced pain management, ultrasound guided procedures and alternate therapies such as intramuscular stimulation and dry needling. Enhanced by nearly 400 images and illustrations and an accompanying DVD, Interactive Pain Management: A Practical Approach is an essential resource for anaesthesiologists. Key Points * Latest edition of this comprehensive guide to interventional pain management procedures * Previous edition published 2009 (9788184483192) * International editorial team from US, UK and India *395 images and illustrations * Includes interactive DVD


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