Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease


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Mike James is in the Department of Anaesthesia at the University of Cape Town, and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town in South Africa.

Editores: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 978-0199570256
Edición: 2010
Idioma: English
Formato: 9.9 x 0.7 x 6.9 inches

Peso: 1.5 pounds
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Nº de Páginas : 250

Editorial Reviews


The book is well laid out, clearly written and has appropriate and clear illustrations … This text should find a place in all department libraries and is recommended to all clinicians for updating their medical knowledge. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care This text should find a place in all department libraries and is recommended to all clinicians for updating their medical knowledge. Overall, this textbook brings together the disparate subjects of endocrine physiology and pathology, clinical endocrinology, and relevant clinical anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, in a single concise text which should be immensely helpful to anaesthetic and perioperative physicians managing endocrine patients for elective and emergency surgery. I recommend it as a reference text for departments of anaesthesia, as most of us encounter diabetes and thyroid surgery regularly, and could potentially be faced with an unexpected rare endocrine wlwctive or emergency case at any time. This is an excellent tool for anesthesia trainees at all levels to acquire expertise in the perioperative implications of endocrine diseases. It will also benefit experienced anesthesia providers seeking to refresh their knowledge on the subject. Zdravka Zafirova, MD University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine The book is well laid out, clearly written and has appropriate and clear illustrations. This text should find a place in all department libraries and is recommended to all clinicians for updating their medical knowledge. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

Apart from diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases requiring surgical treatment are relatively uncommon. However, when they do occur, they frequently present major clinical anaesthestic problems that require extensive knowledge of the pathophysiology of the condition, and considerable anaesthetic expertise. This book provides the anaesthetist with a comprehensive examination of each of the endocrine conditions, covering underlying pathophysiological problems, and guidance on optimal anaesthetic care. It will be of use to trainee and consultant anaesthetists working in both specialist endocrine wards and general surgery wards where a patient with endocrine disease might present


1 -Basic endocrine concepts in healt and critical illness .

2 -The pituitary gland

3 -Diabetes mellitus : glucose control : wath benefit , wath cost in surgical

patients ?

4 -The thyroid gland

5 -Parathyroid disease .

6 -Anaesthetic management of patients with carcinoid tumours .

7 -Adrenal cortex .

8 -Adrenal medulla : the anaesthetic management of phaeochromocytoma

9 -Endocrine emergencies

10 -Hormones as pharmaceutical agents : focus on sterois and vasopressin .

11 -Endocrine surgery : a personal view .


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